Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Where the heck is Rick?

So I am sure you are wondering where I have been. Well, I've been here, doing all sorts of fun stuff, but I of course have neglected to tell you about it. Sorry team. I will toss a large picture post soon. To give you a mini update, I've been to Tokyo a bunch of times now. I've been to Tsuchiura a couple times too. Classes are good, and I helped out at a festival not too long ago, which was an amazing display of what Japanese kids can do when they are motivated to do something.

This weekend I will find myself in Nikko, a very historic place here in Japan. The week after is a Halloween Party in the outskirts of Tokyo. The weekend after that I take a trip to Kyoto. So yeah, I am booked until mid-November. Crazy. I promise that I will get pictures to you filled with witty, sarcastic comments.

As for now I am pumping out some lesson plans for some students going to Australia. Situational conversation. Stuff like, "I am (tired, sleepy, scared)." etc. One of my questions is "I feel this way when I am on fire...." I suppose I am a bad person for this. But then again, if they do catch fire at some point in Australia, the student will now know how to verbalize his feelings on the subject. That is education folks, I am an educator. Granted the topic is immolation, but I feel there has been little innovation on this situation.

What else? I watched The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 3 here in Japan. That was a rather awkward experience. It's a story of how some American dude comes to Japan and beats all the people here at their own game, whilst having little regard for the culture. I have to say it was kind of interesting, and I of course love fast things on four wheels, so I had no real complains other than that.

I'm also in like 37 different clubs now. I either run, workout, train with the basketball team or try Kyudo at my main school. In my other ones I am working with the Karate, Track and Judo teams. It's a whole lot of fun, but it is very intimidating when a 16 year old boy tosses you around like a rag doll and a 17 year old girl kicks you in the face. I suppose there is a bit of humility in it. These kids are super talented though, so it's fun.

Okay, back to the lab again. Pictures to come. I hope you are all well.

Oh also, I changed the parameters on the comments, so you no longer need to be a member of blogger to leave a comment.